Journal Entry

yay the weekend
fri 27 feb 2009

I had a short work week with being sick Mon and Tues, but I am still very happy that it's the weekend now!

My Mascot

I think, in my silly Scanner way, I am ready for a new project. You remember how I was going to blog every day for Feb, and also take a photo every day as well? I have been blogging but... here is the culmination of the photo project...


What's that, you ask. It's a photo of the ceiling. That's how annoyed I got at the stupid daily photo.

;) heh. I do think photos will be better in the spring time, and that's just around the corner... I saw some robins and Oregon Junecos out the other day. Plus we got a bit of rain, so the plant life is starting to get green as well.

So anyway. I'm thinking I want to do a daily drawing again for March. Altho, maybe taking a month off from the whole daily thing, might be good. But No! I must have a project or ten!

ha. Well. I'll see how the weekend goes before deciding. I've got a few postcards to get out the door, plus at least one letter. A few chores, bah. Need to get some reading done. Some magazines, too. Figure out what the next crocheting thing is going to be. Play with my new computer toy. Do some back-end junk with the blog.


oof, somehow I think the weekend isn't going to be long enough, again!

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