Journal Entry

11 November 2004 ... ABTI 6-10

After being delightfully inspired by One Inch Squares I divided up a page to make my own squares...

Art by the Inch 06

Yeah, I only finished eight. Tiny art is hard work, I tell you. My squares were 1.5 inches, and doing eight is only Ack, that is just not going to get my 2,500 inches!

The spirit of Art by the Inch is _Quantity_ over Quality. Pretty art is all well and good, but scribble art is fun and interesting! And it's really easy to do on my handheld...

abti 07 palm scribble abti 09 palm scribble

Scribble Art shall be my new trademark. Just scribble. Then stare at it for a few seconds. Pattern Recognition: use your imagination and an image will appear in your scribbles! Flesh it out with a different colour and embellish. There you have art! haha.

abti 08 palm scribble

abti 08 notebook

And an abstract scribble art. This is a full page from my art notebook, done with Sharpies and Crayons. Colouring is Fun.

abti 10 psp

Some more advanced scribble art which I did on the computer in the style of Bob Ross. Happy mountains, happy trees live here... Yeah, that's a huge area of boring negative space across the middle going down to the right. lame art, I say.

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