envelope and garden
sun 28 july 2013

The printer is back to being dead... or maybe it's just in a coma? But that's okay. I am trying out some different art projects while I wait for the new printer to arrive.

I supported a successful Kickstarter campaign for Kreate-A-Lope, and last weekend I got my reward: some envelope templates!

Of course, my original plan was to print some of my more abstract photos and turn them into envelopes. That plan being on hold, copic wide markers to the rescue!

I made it!

(ha. the sky blue marker definitely needs to be re-inked! and the violet one soon.)
I love doodling the little bubbles, it's very relaxing.

Now... if only I could just print something to put in my envelopes!

baby sunflower

Baby Sunflower!

sun gold cherry tomatoes

I ate this sun gold cherry tomato right after I took this pic. It was the most tasty tomato that I've ever eaten in my life.

Well, it was the first garden tomato I've eaten this year... but I think it was more than just that!

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