Tag: December 2011

Write for Rights
sat 3 dec 2011

Entry #1 on this page (tagged: december)

  Write for Rights, Amnesty International

"the world's largest human rights event". You pick a cause and write a physical letter of protest or support and snail mail it between 3 - 11 Dec.

The web site provides sample letters that you can print up and use as-is.

I'm going to write for Liu Xiaobo, since I am familiar with that situation.

I was sad to see a couple USA cases in the list. I want to live in a place where Amnesty International doesn't have to fight for our rights! I would like to believe that the US justice system works.

Sat, 03 Dec 2011 15:25:58 PST
Yay! I have officially written my first letter to a political prisoner!
1 letter + note of protest to the China gov
2 pretty notecards of support to Liu Xiaobo and wife

Sat, 10 Dec 2011 11:00:15 PST
My second set of Write for Rights letters today...
North Korea: Thousands Held in Secret Camps
1 letter + note of protest to the North Korea gov
1 notecard of support to Dr. Oh Kil-nam

sleeping and reading
sun 11 dec 2011

Entry #2 on this page (tagged: december)

I have been sleeping like crazy this weekend! Ten and eleven hours, fri and sat nights... plus a nap on saturday afternoon. I didn't even notice I was tired! ha.

Also reading like crazy. On friday I got a email from GoodReads, telling me I was behind on my reading goal... only 29 books read this year. WHAT?!

Well, that's just plain wrong! And when I did research, I found out it's literally wrong! ;)

Actually, I had read 40 books this year. The problem at GoodReads is that it doesn't acknowledge books that I've read more than once.

I read Guernsey Literary twice this year, and The Art of the Handwritten Note. I also re-read Silent Spring, Good Mail Day, Fox Woman, and a couple others.

Regardless! I still want to bump up my GoodReads number. I read all saturday evening, and finally finished Sophie's Choice. ugh, that was a long, boring book! I'm happy that I can move on to other things now.

My new updated numbers:

2011 Reading Challenge

2011 Reading Challenge
Rift has read 33 books toward her goal of 35 books.

Okay! That's more like it!

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